Wednesday, December 31, 2014

new year 2015

My new blog in 2015,i have a lot to tell ,first i wish that i have a perfect and happiest moment in this new year with my family,i ask god to protect my family cause i really need it,second,i had a lot of lessons in the last year 2014 ,i knew that we have to progress and move on in my life and look forward to the best,i don't to look back cause there is only problems and shit,i took a lot of decisions in the last year and i decide to give my self a new chance to prove to this world the really Abdelhaq and what i can do to change.
God guide me finally to the right road,after what i have passed i decide to neglect any thing that bother me or don't help me to look at the good side.
People passed throw my heart to the happiness,i helped people to move on in their lives,now it's my turn to do like them,it's time to change.
I run after people that i loved in the past but i saw just ignoring from them,patience helped me before and now also.
I promised myself to take care of myself and forget the past and focus on the future to make my parents proud of me ,cause wallah i know i can do my best and work hard to change my miserable situation.
that's my important decisions that i have token yet,

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Curriculum Vitea

Je suis Abdelhaq Dadi,agé de 19 ans,j'ai eu mon baccalaureat en juin 2014,je continue mes études a la Faculté de sciences de Bizerte,je sais c'est un enfi pour moi pour avoir une considerable poste  au Future mais je fais des efforts pour progresser.

Une galaxie découverte à côté de la Voie Lactée

Des astronomes russes et américains ont découvert une nouvelle galaxie à proximité de notre Voie Lactée. Baptisée KKs3, cette galaxie est 10 000 fois moins massive que la Voie Lactée.
On le sait, notre galaxie la Voie Lactée est située dans un amas contenant une cinquantaine de galaxies, appelé par les astronomes le Groupe Local. Or, une équipe d'astronomes russes et américains vient d'identifier une nouvelle galaxie appartenant au Groupe Local : la galaxie KKs3.
Situé à 7 millions d'années-lumière de notre galaxie, KKs3 est une petite galaxie naine dont la masse est 10 000 fois moins importante que celle de la Voie Lactée.

Monday, September 1, 2014

People's Idea about Europe's lifestyle

No one can deny that the Europe union countries is the refuge for most of a inhabitants of  forbidden countries. As we see nowadays the different conditions may a handicap for ambition  and talents who cant have any Blooming in there countries.Plus,the Unemployment may drive most of young people to go in the unwanted way to change them from innocent guys to addicted ones for each of drugs and alcohool.
If we take a look for the last Statistics of the year,the case of Suicide  was indeed  due to the unemployment and poverty.
I know most of the readers know this case that all the world is talking about but i think we all missed a point we didn't see and a one solution who can change the whole idea and background idea about Arab's  case.
why don't we try to build the factories at there own country and give them a chance to have a wonderful lives at there hometown !
let's all think about it